About Melody Johnson

donkey whisperer farmdonkey whisperer farmmelody johnson

I have loved animals since I was a small child. I got ‘horse fever’ at the tender age of five and was lucky to live in a time when you could jump on your horse with only a halter and ride out into the woods free of worry. Childhood fast-forwarded into adulthood and with it came all the difficulties of this passage. As with so many of us, horses became a memory, a dream, until my mid-forties. After years of working in the high-powered, success-driven field of Information Technology in the metropolis of Seattle, Washington, I found myself wondering what was next.  Aware that I had to make a change, I experienced an intuitive knowing and a deep yearning to be in the presence of horses. In a series of spectacular events, due to the Grace of God, “Lily” my Quarter Horse mare (age twenty months) came into my life. Shortly thereafter, I stumbled into the orbit of Equus Africanus Asinus…better known as the donkey! In 2007, I brought “Rio” a nine-month-old Mammoth Donkey, and his sidekick, “Rocket Man” a thirteen-year-old Miniature Donkey home as companions for “Lily”. From this day forward, my life has been a journey of insight and learning. My deep love, passion, and connection to equines have called me to discover fresh and innovative ways to be of service. This aspiration to serve donkeys and horses has bloomed into the Donkey Whisperer Farm ® and the Donkey Whisperer  Farm ® Online Training Courses. At the very core of me and my husband, Scott’s life is our Savior, Jesus Christ. We live through his grace which holds us together in times of trial, loss, and gain. We hold fast to each other and keep our compass pointed at our vision and goals for Donkey Whisperer Farm ®.